A married 42-year-old woman proudly shared her s*xual escapade with his young lover or as they are fondly known as Ben 10.
She shared the whole story on Facebook much to the excitement of Facebook users who followed the whole conversation.
Here is her story:
".....The sound of a ringing phone seemed to far to worry my spent body. As a lay sprawled on his bed, ...... I felt more at home than I have ever felt in my 20 plus years in marriage... In my 42 years on earth no man has ever keyed in so much passion in my life, this young one barely out of his teens, a boy the age of my first born son has aroused so much passion in me no words can express my desire for Kenna, even his name reminds me of how boldly I have cradle robbed. Isorait after all where was his mama when he was attaining all this s@xual prowess.. hakuna matara.
"After consistent ringing of my phone which I boldly chose to ignore a text comes in and I finally get the courage to move my baby literally a baby off me and read the text.. "baba ciru amefika sahii anauliza uko wapi".
"Sema kupanic, I start trembling looking left, right and center for all my clothes....my red top was in the living room floor my black figure hugging trousers made it to the bathroom floor albeit from having a quick shower together as was the norm before we engaged in whatever s@xcapades we had planned for the night. (Can't trust a child to clean himself you know) but for the life of me I can't find any underwear. "Kenna Kenna Kenna please wake up" (of cos he is sleeping like a baby.. what do you expect he is a baby nkt). I quickly put on my clothes without underwear and head out to my car, to my home, to a waiting baba ciru..."
So does it sound real or far fetched? We wouldn't know whether it's fiction or a real story.
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