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We are waiting for you...‘I Can’t Go Back, They Will Kill Me’- Nigerian Gay Man Set To Be Deported From UK

A Nigerian gay man about to deported on Tuesday night from the United Kingdom begged the authorities not to due fears he would be targeted and attacked on arrival due to his sexual orientation.

The man, identified only as Oyekunle for his own safety, moved to London four years ago and claimed asylum due to the persecution of the LGBT community in his native Nigeria.

He is set to be deported alongside a hundred others on a chartered flight leaving for Nigeria and Ghana from Stansted Airport this week.

Oyekunle said he could not go back to Nigeria because friends and relatives had started harassing him due to his sexuality. The situation had become so unsafe he was forced to flee.

“I can’t go back. When I go back they will kill me,” he said on the phone from Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre.

Campaigners from the Unity Centre, an asylum seekers’ support charity, are now urging supporters to call on the Home Officepporters to call on the Home Office with Oyenkunle’s case number and complain about his deportation.

“I talked to him about five minutes ago… he’s feeling depressed, he’s not eating… he’s got medication for [post traumatic stress disorder], there’s a lot of medical conditions around him,” a friend of Oyenkunle named Joshua told RT UK...

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