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The "Archbishop Anthony Obinna 2nd Uncalculated Involvement in Imo Politics"

By Nnaemeka Ikerionwu
It has become very worrisome the way and manner clerics involves themselves in partisan politics while the greater majority of us cheer them up in total ignorance and to the detriment of the Christian community. These has been the trend in our nation and particularly in Imo state where the Archbishop of Owerri Catholic Diocese, Archbishop Anthony Obinna always stir up controversies during every election year. In 2011, former governor Ohakim was accused by the same Archbishop Anthony Obinna of beating up a reverend Father which drew the condemnation of all christian faithfuls around the world. In all honesty, it is an unforgivable sin against the holy spirit to raise hands on an anointed man of God. It destroys a generation. "Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm" 1 Chronicles 16:22 and Psalm 105:15. Few years down the line, governor Ohakim was completely exonerated from any wrong doing, he never raised his hands on any priest. It was all lies from the same house that we call the "House of God". But unfortunately for the young man, it cost him his political career. He lost the election that year because of falsehood. We were all deceived in believing a lie. It's yet another election year and similar event is about to take place in Imo state.

During the 2015 general election and after, The Altar of God has become a platform for spiritual rascality and unbridled emotions and unnecessary sentiments. Truths are twisted from one congregation to another while God's people speak in glaring carnality without minding the spirit of the word. Some times, I ask if these people really have the holy spirit. You cannot have the holy spirit and preach hate. You cannot have the holy spirit and ask your congregation to pray that your president die. You only have one responsibility and that is to preach love in every ramification. The office of the pastor or priest is a very sensitive one because he is not suppose to take sides. When he corrects, he does so with love. The Greek word that translates as pastor is shepherd. The job of a pastor or priest therefore refers to a spiritual shepherd. (See Ephesians 4:11)

In this way, Jesus is referred to as the great Shepherd of the sheep. (Hebrews 13:20) He is the role model for all of God's pastors. Jesus is the great Shepherd and all of His pastors are the lesser shepherds and is expected to act and behave like Christ. It is important to recognise that even in the Old Testament church of God. God had high expectations, even back then, of His pastors and He upbraided them when they did not fulfil those expectations.

As the mouth piece of God Jeremiah declares,

"For the shepherds [of the people] have become like brutes, irrational and stupid, and have not sought the Lord or inquired of Him or required Him [by necessity and by right of His word]. Therefore they have not dealt prudently and have not prospered, and all their flocks are scattered."
Jeremiah 10:21 - Amplified Bible

By looking at how Jesus shepherds the sheep we can see how a pastor or priest should conduct himself and shepherd the flock of God - God's people. In every congregation, you have people of different political leanings. Individuals with divergent political values. Liberals or conservatives, APC, APGA or PDP. There are others who are completely indifference and apolitical. How you marry these conglomerate in a highly political charges environment like ours requires training and this is where wisdom and the spirit of God comes in. As a servant of the most high God, you cannot serve without the holy spirit.

The catholic church where the Archbishop ministers is a highly respected institution with very deep values and of course not forgetting the special respect accorded to the death during a Requiem Mass. I have been thinking how and why such gathering should be turned into a ground for political campaign. I watched and listened to one Bishop Chukwuma of Enugu Diocese launch an attack on President Muhammadu Buhari’s during Dr. Alex Ekwueme's burial. It was so unfortunate that a spiritual leader could speak of a president in such manner. Does he study the bible at all? Has he come across 1 Timothy 2:1-3 “1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior…” - Is he not aware of Romans 13:1 - Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Indeed God's judgement will surely start in the house of God.

It is not completely out of order for clerics to speak against perceived ills of governance, but it must not be to the endorsement of another political group or party. Because you have a mixed multitude, you can admonish your congregation to get their PVC's and educate them on the best way to make their choices without campaigning for any particular candidate. I have seen the video of the incident in Owerri and also from an eye witness report and can't find where anyone laid their hands on the Archbishop. I would have joined in a dangerous prayer against such one, but misleading the public with lies can never establish a good and Godly foundation. The choice of who becomes governor in Imo state is the exclusive right of Imo people and not a particular church. Governor Rochas candidate does not have an automatic ticket to Dauglas house. Let the other political parties engage him with their own candidates and let Imo people decide. If Rochas could defeat an incumbent, there is every possibility that his candidate could also be defeated if other parties feel up to it.

In Paul's letter to the Ephesians we learn that the office of pastor or priest (spiritual shepherd) is one that contributes to the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry for the building up of the body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11).

Nnaemeka Ikerionwu writes from Lagos.
Email: beautiful_ideas2003@yahoo.com
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