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A MUST READ....You Must Not Do This 6 THINGS During The Menstrual Period! Be Careful!

During the menstrual period women experience different symptoms and discomfort. While some go through it easily struggling with a small swelling, others feel much pain and experience mood swings. In addition, there are some fundamental factors that should be considered during the period if you do not want to risk your health.
In the reproductive age, the woman’s body prepares month to month to shelter a small belly. If this does not happen, the endometrium is shed and the cycle begins again to prepare for the next month. Thus, in a healthy organism, this cycle is repeated until the woman becomes pregnant or until menopause, where it finally removes.
Some women suffer great changes at this time. During the period appear symptoms ranging from mild to severe, depending on each body. Even though the woman is not “sick” as was believed in another era, if the woman is in days of discomfort, she needs care.
Specialists insist that certain factors help and favour the occurrence of severe menstrual symptoms.  For this reason, today we will tell you everything you should not do during the menstrual period, so as to alleviate the symptoms and not jeopardize your health.
6 Things you should not do during the menstrual period
  1. Sexual relationships without protection. Women mistakenly believe that by maintaining relations during the period, there is no possibility of pregnancy. However, they are completely wrong. Chances are high, like those of an infection. If you don’t want to have a baby or if you are not in a stable monogamous relationship better use condom.
  2. Realize all meals of the day. In menstrual days women lose a lot of blood and it is normal to feel weak. The body needs extra energy so it is important to respect all meals since you skip them you can only worsen the symptoms.
  3. Make physical activity and strength. Some women can do activities without a problem however those experiencing strong throbbing, weakness or headache, better not train severely, or perform works with force.
  4. Eat junk. It is normal to feel some cravings during the period but try not to succumb to junk food. In addition without providing any benefit, the fats and the processed foods slow the digestion and you get worsen inflammation, fluid retention and headaches.
  5. Do not rest. Do not force your body. It’s completely normal to feel more tired than usual, moody and listless. Respect those feelings, even take “female days” if you have that opportunity on your work.
  6. Do not sleep at night. You may experience anxiety or bad mood however it is important to sleep a few hours at night so your body can recover for another day. Try some aromatherapy, relaxing music, a hot bath (which will help you ease the pain) or read a good book. Do not watch television, or anything that keeps you up all night.

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