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First Signs Of High Blood Sugar that Should Never Ignore,prevention is better than cure...

If you have very often many cravings, gain weight but do not eat too many calories and have stomachaches, it is likely that your blood sugar levels are higher than normal.
High levels of blood sugar not only affect diabetics, we are all susceptible to high levels of blood sugar after eating certain foods, especially foods high in carbohydrates and refined sugars.
When sugar levels in the blood remain high for a long time, they can cause serious health consequences.
Factors that influence to have high levels of sugar are: poor diet, stress, inactivity, some medications and some diseases.
Symptoms are very dry mouth, feeling thirsty all the time, very frequent urination especially during the time when we are asleep, hungry all the time, chronic fatigue, dry skin and itching, weight gain and excess fat abdominal, inability to focus, blurred vision, frequent infections, stomach upset, nerve problems, wounds do not heal fast and impotence.
If you’ve noticed you have these symptoms the first thing to do is start lowering the rate of glycemic in your diet we recommend that consume eggs, broccoli, yellow carrots, cherries, yogurt, apple juice, tomato, green grapes, juice pineapple, oranges, onions, beans, brown rice and honey, these foods will help you reduce sugar levels.

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