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Pastors Visit Me at Night, I Charm S*x Workers’ Condoms _ Traditional Herbalist Makes Shocking Revelations

A registered traditional herbalist made some shocking revelations about pastors making an appointment with him and his relationship with s*x workers.

Traditional Medicine Practitioner and the founding president of the Zimbabwe National Practitioners Association (ZINPA), Sekuru Friday Chisanyu these revelations were made in an interview with H-Metro.

Below are excerpts from the chat;

What is your relationship with the church? We have heard cases that some pastors or prophets are coming to you for powers to prophesy and heal people?

Looking at the outward appearance, there is tension but internally there is unity. People go to church during the day but under the cover of darkness they visit us and they will be at our surgeries.

Those pastors and prophets will be at our surgeries but during the day they will be demonising us. At the same time, it does not mean nángas don’t go to church, they will be there in the afternoon.

Any names?

I cannot divulge names of our clients, that is unprofessional but they come.

What is your take on miracles, do you have miracles in ATR (African Traditional Religion)?

Miracles started in ATR and they would be called Mapipi or mashiripiti. Unlike what we are witnessing from these modern prophets, ours were traceable. The lame walk, the blind see and because it is special we don’t make noise about it. These days you just hear of testimonies that so and so who were blind are now seeing but there is no record of their blindness. Those guys are hiring people to pretend or to act as blind, and in wheelchairs, kutsvaga mari. If they want us to believe in them, Jairos Jiri is there, go and raise one child living with disability, one only.

Prostitution is high these days, what is your take?

Prostitution is rife these days because of lack of education. Not the conventional type of education but guidance and counselling. In ATR there was education of boys and girls about s*x and marriage. There is no longer the sacredness of s*x. Many are taking it as a game, just for fun.

These days counselling is no longer there. Back then, there were uncles and aunts who would counsel boys and girls about s*x, its importance, disadvantages and effects but these days it is no longer there. Vasikana vaitiza vakomana because they were told not to get too close to someone before the right time.

Nowadays children of 13 are having relationships and s*x. Going forward, the meaning of s*x to them is just fun hence even in marriage they will continue having s*x outside wedlock.

What else can you attribute prostitution to?

FC: These days economic challenges are also driving people into prostitution. People are struggling and the only viable way especially for women is to engage in s*x, selling their bodies. Young children are visible in the streets. The parents can’t keep up with demands of children these days.

We hear that you help most of the s*x workers in getting clients? Does not that contribute to HIV issues?

We have a good relationship with s*x workers and I feel we are the ones who make them use condoms more than their manufacturers. They come to our surgeries and we give them luck charms with a condition that she will not engage in unprotected s*x.

If she has unprotected s*x, the luck is gone and she will be on a dry spell. They bring their condoms, toisamuti. They comply hence they remain in business. If she has unprotected s*x, everything is gone.

What do you advise them? And do they comply?

No to have unprotected s*x. Some have high paying and loyal clients and the advice is if he gets an STI from you do you think he will come back? And the answer will be no, hence comply on using protection and they do so.

Tell us about the luck charms?

Luck charms are there. It is not by coincidence that someone gives US$50 to a s*x worker instead of US$10. It is the charm. Getting in her house with more money and you will leave everything there.
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