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WOW! After Reading This You’ll Never Use Swabs In The Ears

The swabs are used for the hygiene of the ears with the order to remove the earwax that builds up inside them. However, its use requires some precautions not to hurt the ears.
Some research has shown some consequences of using swabs. It has been found that a large percentage of people  that use cotton swabs, have had breakdowns in the tympanic membrane caused by the use of  swabs. Also, if you come to enter the swab very deeply the swab inside the  ear canal , this could cause damage to the ear . For example, could result in minor injuries until severe damage as the tympanic membrane perforation  as mentioned above . The risk of this drilling is that it could cause facial paralysis or vertigo, arriving to be necessary in some cases, surgical intervention, as you see, the consequences of using swabs can be harmful if you aren’t careful.
Now that you know some consequences of using swabs, it is important that you have in mind certain precautions at the time of use with the aim of avoiding us harm, and preserve the integrity of the eardrum. Here are some tips for you:
  • The swab should be used only for the cleaning of the auricle of the ear and around the ear canal.
  • The swab should not be introduced until the ear canal. Otherwise, it would be pushing the wax to the bottom, which could plug the ear. This is one of the most frequently asked consequences of using swabs. In addition, as stated before, enter the swab very deeply could drill the eardrum. Likewise, when the ear is plugged by the earwax, this could cause dizziness or hearing problems.
  • In the case of children, there are   specially designed with swabs a thicker tip to prevent intrusion into the ear canal.
On the other hand, it’s important to know that ear wax produced in the ear canal is useful; in fact, this protects the ear of the dust, pollution, from bacteria and from water. So there we need to eliminate it in such a rigorous manner .
However, if you’re uncomfortable earwax and  you want to prevent its rapid formation in the middle ear , you must dry very well the ears when tom a bath as the water tends to inflate  the earwax . When you’re in the presence of a lot of dust, you have the option to use earplugs.
Probably now that you know the consequences of using swabs, you would like to see options for cleaning your ears. Indeed, the swabs are not the only way for the hygiene of your ears. There are other alternatives. You can use for example a handkerchief. Another option is to add in the ear canal a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, once or twice a month, not more.
Do not hesitate to share with your family and friends this article on the consequences of using swabs.

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