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Our society’s becoming emasculated. Our men are becoming soft, weak, and vain.

If you’re offended by that statement then I’m likely talking to you. If you agree with it, if you see that the tides are turning for the worse, then I’m likely not.

If you’re doing any of the things on this list, don’t get your panties in a knot, just stop doing them.

Our society was literally built by the hands of strong men who did the work without complaint. It’s being destroyed by men who don’t know how to be men. Boys who aspire for fame above all else at incredible numbers. Males who aren’t concerned about winning or losing, rather, about popularity, about finding themselves, about getting what they feel they deserve without doing the work to get it.

1. Stop waiting for the perfect job to come your way, take the next one available
Too many humans think they’re destined for something perfect when they haven’t earned it. They’re too good to do this, they’re above that. The reality is that you need a bloody paycheck, so take the next job and work your ass off, climb the ladder, be better than your wage, and reap the future rewards.
2. Stop thinking you’re entitled to a single thing
You’re not entitled to someone else’s money. You’re not entitled to a job. You’re not entitled to happiness, only its pursuit.
Men don’t complain. They don’t cry about how things are, they accept them and do what they need to do to make them better.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others. 
Social media has made this the norm. Stop it. Stop wishing you were in someone else’s shoes. Stop wanting what someone else has. Stop looking over the fence and start looking in the mirror.
5. Stop watching porn. 
It makes you unable to have boners as, over time, your expectations change. It changes how you treat women, for the worse. It changes what you want from women. It changes your ideas of what sex is and should be. Go get a real woman, treat her well and with respect, and poke all you want. But stop with the porn, it’s turning a generation into impotent, sadistic cowards who treat women like objects.
6. Stop letting your fear inhibit my freedom. 
Stop trying to take my guns. Stop trying to tell me what dog I can and can’t buy. If you don’t want to defend yourself or your family, if you’d rather have help be a phone call away rather than by your bed, so be it. But don’t let your fear inhibit my freedom.
7. Stop thinking you know everything. 
We dig our heels in now more than ever. We take a stance and we have no real idea why the stance is taken. Every single human on this planet knows something that you don’t and has something to teach you. Go into every conversation with humility, not like you’re the professor and class is in session.

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