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So Tragic! Stuntman Crushed To Death During Daredevil Performance (Photos+Video)

A stunt man has lost his life while performing a daredevil stunt at the Maut Ka Kuan (Well of Death) show. The show was being organised for the last 15 days during a Meena Bazar at Gandhichak, India.

The stunt biker, Jitu Singh along with two cars and two other bikers of his group were performing dare devil stunts when the mishap occurred. The deceased’s vehicle had first hit a car driven by Feroz Ansari which then lost its balance and fell on him.

“Jitu was a good friend of mine. The incident occurred yesterday soon after we had started the show. My car had slowed down and when I was trying to get off the track, Jitu’s vehicle hit the car from behind. As a result, my car skidded off the wooden planks and fell on him,” said Feroz.

Feroz further informed that the other team members had immediately rushed Jitu to the nearest hospital but the doctors declared him dead.

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