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See What a Man Did After Catching Best Friend Pants Down Pressuring His Wife for S*x (Photos/Video)

In a dramatic turn of events which mostly happens in movies, a man has reportedly caught his wife in bed with another man.

Unfortunately for the man and to make matters worse, it was his best friend that he caught on camera unclad pressurizing his wife for s*x, and without hesitating, the man beat his friend with machete.

The n*ked man, who apparently is also married is seen in the video pleading after he was caught and being dealt with a machete.

He begged that the matter be settled indoors without making a scandal. However, the husband refused to listen and continued the beating.

The woman said she had warned the husband’s friend several times to desist from bothering her but he refused. She is heard in Igbo saying; “I told you to leave someone’s wife and face your own but you refused.”

The man was also heard saying; "I spend money on you".


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