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JUST IN....Five Armed Robber suspects Killed in a gun duel in Calabar...[PHOTOS]

The Police in Calabar on Monday killed five armed robbery suspects during a gun duel with the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS).

The spokesperson of the Police Command in Cross River, ASP Irene Ugbo, who briefed newsmen, said that the suspected robbers attacked and snatched a bag containing some money from a resident in Calabar.

Ugbo said that on citing the operatives from SARS, the robbers opened fire and in the process the SARS operatives killed five of them at Barracks Road in Calabar.

According to her, the quick response of SARS operative is as a result of the timely information by concerned members of the public.

“What happened today, July 31, 2017 is a great achievement to the command.

“While on patrol, our men were alerted of a robbery incident in Calabar metropolis.

“On receiving this information, our men immediately swung into action and by the grace of God, they were able to gun down five of the suspected robbers in the process of exchanging gunfire.

“You can see the five of them lying down here, they are all dead. We recovered from them, the sum of N261,000, three locally made pistols and some live cartridges.

“This group of dead robbers had been terrorising Cross River, and the police will not relent in its efforts at fighting criminality and all forms of illegality across the state,’’ she said.

According to her, the quick response to the incident is part of the command’s front-line agenda in curbing crimes in the state.

She urged residents in the state not to relent in giving out timely and useful information to security agencies in the state to help them respond to emergency cases on time.
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