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WICKEDNESS...Photos: Nigerian Father Brutally Rapes His Two Year Old And Destroys Her Private Part Kaduna[GRAPHIC PHOTOS]

An NGO in Kaduna state is currently demanding justice for two-year-old Meimunat Shehu pictured above, whose father brutalized her, raped her and also sodomized her. She is currently at the state hospital receiving medical attention.

The NGO is calling on the government to ensure that Meimunat gets justice, as her father’s family members are trying to cover his crime up by claiming he is mentally ill.

For those of you who dont know what sodomy meansThe definition of sodomize is to perform unnatural or abnormal sexual intercourse on a person. When you penetrate a person anally, this is an example of when you sodomize that person.

See sad photos of little Meimunat in the hospital below

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