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LADIES Know What The Color Of Your Menstrual Blood Says About Dangerous Changes In your Body and Possible Remedies....

Menstrual cycle takes place every month for a period of 6-7 days. During these days,

a woman may have abnormal cramps along with some other minor problems, such as headaches and stomach harassment. When menstrual blood flows quickly from the body, its color will be red or pink. Sometimes, most of the women may notice black or brown blood during the period and then worry. According to experts, that blood is dark indicates that it slowly flows out of the body.
Certainly during a menstrual cycle have been observed as the color of blood is sometimes brighter, sometimes darker, and many women are faced with punctuate bleeding outside the cycle. What can sometimes be a sign of anxiety is the color of menstrual blood and it is important to know what certain colors indicate when you should contact a gynecologist.

Blood pink is of the menstrual cycle. But if it occurs earlier, for example in the middle of it, it may be a sign of early pregnancy, a hormonal disorder or other diseases of the reproductive organs, so it is best to visit a gynecologist.


This kind of blood flow is very easy and often occurs after a busy day when blood rapidly running out of the body without having time to darken. No need to worry – it’s normal. The problem occurs when the bleeding lasts longer than a week, and the blood becomes pinkish and not fades.

Brown/Dark Red Blood
Blood that is brown or a very dark red is simply old blood. Most times your cycle will begin with this type of blood, and it may even look black. Periods start slowly, so it can take a while for that blood to actually exit, hence the color. Very dark, even brown blood is nothing to worry about and is completely natural.

Grey Blood

Blood that looks almost grey or milky in color should be taken a lot more serious. If you have this color of blood during your cycle, it could mean that you have an infection. Two of the most common infections that can cause this blood color are yeast infections and bacterial infections.

Orange Blood

Orange menstrual blood can mean that your blood has mixed with cervical blood, which will appear almost orange with red flecks. It can also be a sign that you have an infection. If you see orange blood frequently, or the blood has a foul odor to it, it is most likely that you have an infection.

If it’s a thick jam-colored red with large clots…

You may have low progesterone levels and high estrogen levels. While some clotting is normal, says Dweck, clots the size of a quarter or larger can indicate a serious hormonal imbalance. (Here are 7 hormones every woman needs to understand.) Romero recommends reducing your consumption of dairy, soy, and sugar and seeing if that makes a difference.

Uterine fibroids are another possibility. They're most often benign, but they can be painful, so if you suspect they're behind your heavy, clot-filled periods, ask your doctor for an ultrasound.

What Are Some Natural Remedies?

When your menstrual blood has changed color, and you think you have an infection, there are plenty of things you can do. You don’t have to shell out tons of money to see a doctor or pay for drugs. Sometimes you don’t even need to go to the store and buy those over the counter ointments or lotions. There are natural remedies that are healthy for your body and completely effective.

Try Yogurt

Yogurt contains the good bacteria that your body needs to fight off infection. Just eating yogurt can give you what you need to safely and naturally fight off the infection. You can even apply the yogurt directly to the infected area. Even if the yogurt does not help the infection, it still contains plenty of nutrients and bacteria that are good for your body.

Boric Acid

While acid in the name might make you shy away, boric acid is a highly touted home remedy to help with infections. In fact, when taken as needed, it is shown to have a very high success rate when it comes to treating both yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.


Garlic is shown to have many anti-fungal properties. Many infections, such as a yeast infection, are actually just a fungus. Some women recommend placing garlic cloves right on the infected area overnight. In this case, it also won’t hurt your pH balance to use garlic as a natural remedy.

When you want to know what’s happening with your body, the color of your menstrual blood can tell you a lot. In the case that something is happening in your own body, there are a variety of ways that you can naturally and effectively treat it.

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