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38 year old woman commits suicide reasons will shock you...[photo]

A 38 year old woman, Lovina Odo who has been married to her husband, Mr. Okechukwu Odo for over 8 years without a child took her life today at No. 1, Ukpaka lane, Umusiome Village, Nkpor-agu, Anambra State.
The husband, who works at a car wash said he returned home from work at about 6:30pm and met sympathisers around his one-room apartment.

“I left home for work that morning after taking my breakfast; she had asked me to buy a tuber of yam for dinner on my way from work.

“When I returned, I saw people gathered around my apartment, only to be told that my wife had committed suicide,” he said.

Odo stressed that he and the deceased had no misunderstanding that could have led her to commit suicide.
The Divisional Police Officer of Ogidi, CSP Hassan Musa, confirmed the story, and said that the corpse of Lovina had been removed and deposited at the Mortuary of Iyienu Mission Hospital
“No suicide note was seen around, her but preliminary investigation reveals that she might have committed suicide because she had no child,” Musa said.
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