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[Graphic Photos] 5-Year-Old Girl Battles Between Life And Death After Attack By 3 Dogs In Ikorodu

A five year old girl is currently struggling between life and death after gruesome attack on her by some dogs in Ikorodu, Punch reports.

Medical officers at the emergency Ward of the Ikorodu General Hospital, Lagos State are battling to save the life of Aliyah Masaku after she was attacked by three giant Alsatian dogs belonging to her father’s landlord on Alhaji Abdul Hakeem Bin Sulaimon Avenue, off Ewuren Road, Ikorodu.

Aside damaging an eye and removing a tooth, the dogs inflicted multiple injuries on Aliyah during the attack which lasted for about two hours.

A medical official at the general hospital, who did not want to be identified, said Aliyah might need a plastic surgery to regain the use of the affected eye.

She said, “When she was brought here, we thought she was dead. One of her eyes is damaged. It might take a plastic surgery for her to see again. A tooth was removed by the dogs, while the other teeth were seriously affected. She has multiple lacerations in her face, legs, arms and other parts.”

It was learnt that Aliyah’s father, Wasiu, a vulcaniser, was in charge of feeding the dogs after their owner travelled to London, United Kingdom.

He had reportedly gone to get the dogs’ feed on Monday and left Aliyah in the house.

One of the dogs, identified as Rover, however, allegedly broke loose from the kennel and entered into Wasiu’s apartment.

The dog reportedly dragged her from the house to the backyard, where two other dogs joined in attacking her.

Wasiu while speaking said: “Aliyah, my daughter, was formerly staying with her mother in Cotonou, Benin Republic, before she started living with me. Since then, she had become familiar with the dogs and played with them. If any visitor is scared of coming into the house, she goes out to bring them in.

“She was supposed to go to school yesterday (Monday), but because I had an issue with her teacher, I asked her to stay at home till I get her a new school. I left her in the house around 3pm and went to buy feed for the dogs. I left two of the dogs roaming free because they were docile. I, however, put Rover in a kennel because it was ferocious and had broken free several times.

“Some minutes after I went to the market, I got a call that my daughter had been attacked by the dogs. I ran back home and checked the compound without seeing anything. I searched the street as well without any result. Later, somebody raised the alarm that she was at the backyard. There, I saw three dogs on my daughter, who lay still.”

He said he subdued the dogs with a stick and chased them away.

A tenant, Wale Anjorin, said chaos broke out around 11pm when some hoodlums invaded the house with sticks and cutlass, threatening to burn down the house.

Anjorin, who claimed to have been cut with a cutlass, said the men vandalised some property on the premises before killing Rover.

“They said the dog cannot live within the same neighbourhood with them. They wanted to burn down the house. They smashed the windscreen of a tricycle on the premises and later killed the dog,” he said.

The residents urged the state government to take away the dogs from the area, saying they constituted nuisance and threats to their lives.

A woman, who did not want to be identified, said, “The landlord just returned to the UK six days ago. When he came, he asked them to take the dogs out because they had been infested with lice and ticks. He said the house should be fumigated. But that is not enough. We don’t want the dogs again.”

The owner of the dogs, Alhaji Abdul-Akeem Sulaimon, said he could not take responsibility for the attack since he had already handed over the dogs to Wasiu.

Sulaimon, who spoke with PUNCH Metro from his London base, said, “Why not question those on the ground? Ask those who were principally involved. Someone is responsible. Those involved are there with you.”
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