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Shocking! Couple MAKING OUT In The Street[VIDEO]ADULTS ONLY

A shocking video has emerged of a couple of drunken British holidaymakers having sex in an alleyway in Magaluf in the latest example of sordid debauchery in Spanish party resort.
The short clip of the couple is a blow for Magaluf, which had vowed to clean up its image after a teenage girl was filmed performing a sex act on 24 men last year.
Indeed, couples caught having sex in public can be fined up to £2,000.   
Public: The couple were filmed having sex just yards from the busy strip in Magaluf, Spain

According to the Daily Star, the video has been posted to an adult website and has already been watched more than 170,000 times.

The short clip shows the couple lying next to a bin, the man with his shorts around his ankles, and the woman with her white handbag next to her.

 Magaluf is known for its nightlife, attracting tens of thousands of teenagers every year.
It has developed a reputation as a party town, with young people encouraged to drink to excess.

Last summer, the antics of those holidaying in the town came under the spotlight, after the young girl was filmed in a British-owned bar.

She is said to have believed she was going to win a holiday. In reality, she was only in line to win a cocktail called 'holiday'. 

Since then, the resort has adopted new rules aimed at cracking down on rowdy antics, including drinking, nudity and urinating in the street.
Among them are rules on nudity and urinating on the streets, with council bosses vowing that hard-drinking tourists disobeying new by-laws curbing anti-social behaviour will be hit with fines.

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