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Akwa Ibom child branded a witch starts school, one year after being branded a witch (photos+video) he is a so cute and good dancer...!

It has become a tradition in a part of Akwa Ibom state, to abandon children whom the family and the entire village think is a witch, as they leave them to starve and die afterwards.
His rescuer, Loven took to her Facebook handle to post the new pictures of the boy on his way to school as she feeds him water and replicating the initial picture of how she rescued him. She posted it with the caption:
On the 30 of January 2016, I went on a rescue mission with David Emmanuel Umem, Nsidible Orok and our Nigerian team. A rescue mission that went viral and today it’s exactly 1 year ago the world came to know a young little boy called Hope. This week Hope will start school.”
It could be recalled that, On January 31, 2016, Anja Ringgren Loven, a Danish humanitarian worker married to a Nigerian with a son, came across the half-starved neglected Hope on the streets of Akwa Ibom state. She took Hope to the hospital where he was properly bathed, received treatment for worms and given blood transfusion to replenish the red blood cells.
According to the reports, Anja Loven, who runs a children orphanage, has raised about $1 million from donors all around the world to settle Hope's medical bills. As far as we can judge by the photos, the boy now is in a far better condition due to Anja's effort.
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