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Doctors find giant HAIRBALL in stomach of girl who eats her hair and this happened(photos)

A 16-year-old girl in Srinagar, India, complained frequently of being unable to eat or drink. When her parents took her for medical examination, doctors were shocked to find a giant hairball in her stomach.
Doctors further said that the girl, who may not be named because she is still a minor, had an addiction of eating her own hair and sometimes even her friend's hair.
Due to the girl's hair-eating addiction, doctors said she had developed the Rapunzel syndrome, which occurs when hair builds up in the stomach over a period of time.
They estimated that the girl must have regularly eaten hair for about six years for such a huge lump to form in her stomach.
The doctors had to perform surgery on the girl to remove the ball of hair from her stomach.
They said that the girl is likely suffering from a psychological condition, and to prevent her from eating hair again, she needs to be checked in for psychiatric evaluation and treatment.
The condition is common among young women and is usually caused by emotional distress, the doctors said.
Check out the following video for a similar case of this condition, also from India.
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